Saturday, May 23, 2009

Arts and culture in Peru

Peru is known for its mythical culture,enticing the visitor with its stunning archeological sites. During pre-Hispanic times, many cultures with backgorunds in agriculture, pictorial humanities and organizational systems settled the territory.
Although many modern Peruvians have left the highlands and the jungle for the towns, a high number of the Peruvian population remains native. That is, they have kept their customs that make Peruvian folklore various and rich. In the colonial period, the towns were planned according to the Spanish convention. Churches, municipalities, museums and homes were built, some of which are still saved ; some of the most
Here is a photo from Lake Titicaca,It is a place of incredible beauty,I visited Puno and the lake recently and blown away by the natural beauty here.
I took the train from Cusco to Puno and it was almost like i was traveling back in time.
It is a must see if you are spending time here in Peru.
Engaging places are Arequipa, Lima and Cusco. The city is full of life, sometimes chaotic and loud, while the little towns are appealing and undying. The capital, Lima, contains the bulk of the population ( 8,000,000 according to the last census ) and is a tiny model of the entire country.
Modernity and underdevelopment, exclusiveness and anguish, beauty and anarchy are seen in life daily. Jugglers and street sellers are a part of the town scene. Up to date art unfolds in many expressions, but plastic ( such as sculpture, carving, pottery, and weaving ) are the most widespread.In Lima you will find film, theater, opera, modern and classical dance, rock, jazz, and classical music concerts, as well as salsa and countless art studios, all expressing the multiple faces of the country. Faith is a vital facet of Peru. Catholicism is the number one faith, though there are others too.
Many religious celebrations are held thru the country in the full year, but especially at Easter. The native population is principally Catholic and has additionally kept some other ancient beliefs alive through their culture.


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